

Currently, I am training through the Biochemistry PhD program in Dr. Karas’s lab, which focuses on developing innovative strategies for genome engineering. I study Phaeodactylum tricornutum, a eukaryotic micro-algae, and have created a platform for rapid organelle genome engineering in this model system. My research interests include: 1) organelle genome structure and evolution, and 2) developing novel biotechologies.

Figure 1. Three morphotypes of Phaeodactylum tricornutum. A) pennate; B) tri-radiate, and C) oval forms. Ovide et al., (2018). Comparative in depth RNA sequencing of P. tricornutum morphotypes reveals specific features of the oval morphotype. Retrieved from https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-32519-7.

P. tricornutum is a diatomaceous pennate alga with bi-lateral symmetry and different morphotypes. This species of diatom has garnered a lot of interest in industry due to its high lipid contents and photosynthetic capacity, which would make it an opportune organism for cheap production of biofuels. Additionally, the technologies required for efficient and effective genetic engineering have be an ongoing field of study in multiple labs. As a result, the genomes are sequenced, multiple methods of nuclear transformation and plasmid-based tools have been developed. However, little progress has been made with our ability to manipulate the organelle genomes of these organisms

The goal of my thesis is the development of technologies required to for the first-in-the-world method for whole mitochondrial genome replacement in a diatomaceous algae Phaeodactylum tricornutum. This will require systems for cloning and engineering of the mitochondrial genome, and methods for DNA delivery to the diatom’s mitochondrial compartment.

Figure 2. Simplified Thesis Overview. To deliver whole mitochondrial genomes to Phaeodactylum tricornutum’s mitochondria my thesis encompasses two main objectives. First, cloning and engineering of P. tricornutum ’s mitochondrial genome, and then second development of the methods for its delivery back to the mitochondria.


  1. SL. Brumwell, MR. MacLeod, T. Huang, RR. Cochrane, RS. Meaney, M. Zamani, O. Matysiakiewicz, KN. Dan, P. Janakirama, DR. Edgell, TC. Charles, TM. Finan, BJ. Karas. (2019). “Designer Sinorhizobium meliloti strains and multi-functional vectors enable direct inter-kingdom DNA transfer.” PLoS ONE. 14(7): e0219562.

  2. RR. Cochrane, SL. Brumwell, MPM. Soltysiak, S. Hamadache, JG. Davis, J. Wang, SQ. Tholl, P. Janakirama, DR. Edgell, BJ. Karas. (2019). “Rapid method for generating designer algal mitochondrial genomes.” bioRxiv.